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2024 Holiday Artists' Market Registration

  • Thursday, February 29, 2024
  • 11:59 PM
  • Monday, October 28, 2024
  • 11:59 PM
  • Salem Old Town Hall
  • 0


  • If you are a Salem Arts Member PLEASE SIGN IN prior to registration. There is no application dee due when submitting application. Vendor fees will be invoiced following application review and acceptance.

Holiday Artists' Market 

at Salem Old Town Hall

Market: Saturday November 30, 2024

Presented by Salem Arts Association

We are pleased to invite you to join us as a vendor at our Holiday Artists’ Holiday at the Old Town Hall in downtown Salem, MA.

  • Saturday November 30, 2024 
  • 11 AM to 5 PM

We are planning a festive market with live music and a seasonal theme.  We are looking forward to a market with all kinds of opportunities for our customers to browse and shop for handmade treasures for self, friends and family.


List of Vendors: Holiday Artists Market 2024

Here you will find our vendor application details along with the Holiday Artists' Market guidelines. As indicated in the guidelines, we are requesting all vendors to bring their own tables and display props to define their selling space and to add to the visual ambiance of this seasonal market.

We will notify vendors of their application status as soon as possible after we have received and reviewed your application, you will receive an email (usually within 5-7-days of the application, typically over the following weekend). Space assignments will be communicated closer to the event dates.

Vendor Guidelines for Artists’ Holiday Market

The Salem Arts Association invites artists and artisans (aka vendors) to showcase and sell their work at the Holiday Artists’ Market in historic downtown Salem at the Old Town Hall at Derby Square (entrance off of Essex Street).

The Artists’ Holiday Market will feature a quality selection of vendors of artwork and handmade artisan products including photography, jewelry, clothing, paintings, handbags, etc.

All artists regardless of race, gender, belief, national origin, sexual orientation, or physical disabilities are eligible to apply.

Applications will be juried by our Holiday Artists' Market committee. 


Date and Time: 

    • Saturday November 30, 2024
    • 11 AM to 5 PM


  • Applications will be accepted until Sunday November 10, 2024. (or until sold out, 50 vendor limit) 
  • Pre-registration until July 15, 2024. We will begin reviewing and accepting applications starting in July 2024. 
  • Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. You should receive notification of acceptance within 5-7 days after we review your application (typically over the following weekend).
  • When your application is accepted you will receive a vendor fee invoice. Fees must be paid online. Failure to pay your vendor fees within 5-days will result in your space being reassigned to another vendor and being placed on the waitlist. 

Application Form


(If you are a Salem Arts member please sign in prior to registration.)

  • Vendor Fees:
    • $100 for Salem Arts members (Please log in to register)
    • $100 Creative Collective Business Members
    • $150 for Non Members 
  • Registration fee will be invoiced upon acceptance of your application. 
    • Fees are not refundable
  • To apply, please read our guidelines thoroughly and complete the application form. Please provide the following in your application:
    • Details about your products, display, and participants.
    • Links to your online information and examples should include at least three – five photos for review. 
  • Applications will be accepted until Sunday November 10, 2024 (or until sold out). If the event is full sign up for the wait list.
  • We will begin reviewing and accepting applications in July 2024. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. You should receive notification of acceptance within 5-7 days after we review your application (typically over the following weekend).
  • Spaces are on a first-approved bases. Non-payment may cause your space to be given to another vendor. 
  • Vendor space is approximately 6 to 7 feet wide by 4-5 feet deep with vendors providing their own tables, chair, lighting, displays, props, etc. We will not be supporting double spaces this year. 
  • Vendors may share space at the market, however all parties must be included in the application details and be approved. Vendors are not allowed to bring in outside vendors who have not been approved by Salem Arts Association.
  • All items for sale must be made by the artist vendor. Reselling other's items is not permitted. 
  • We will take into careful consideration product variety, originality and quality of goods to provide a variety of high quality vendors for each market.

We will notify vendors of their application status as soon as possible after we have received and reviewed your application, you will receive an email (usually within 5-7-days of the application). Space assignments will be communicated closer to the event dates.

We will make every effort to include all qualified applications. 


Vendors must provide their own tables, lighting, and display surfaces. (We can not guarantee access to electricity to plan on providing your own powered lighting and charging power.) 

  • Vendors MUST agree to be present for the entire day of the event. 
  • Vendors may not break down their selling space in advance of the closing time.
  • Salem Arts Association or our partners are not responsible for any loss or damage. 

(Vehicles must be moved before 10:30 am. Parking is available in nearby lots and parking garage. Parking is Free in Downtown Salem on Small Business Saturday.


There is very limited access to electricity available at Old Town Hall. We will not guarantee any access to power. We highly suggest you don’t plan on providing your own power. The investment in a small power pack and some lights can really make a huge difference. There are also some great battery powered lights out there. 


WiFi/internet access is not available.  PayPal & Square readers will need to work using your phone’s data or hotspot.


Vendors will act with respect to others. Physical abuse to others will not be tolerated. All people shall be treated with respect. Vendors will report any inappropriate activity to on-site managers. Violations of this code of conduct will result in immediate removal from the event without refund. Salem Arts Association reserves the right to restrict or terminate any vendor whose activity is disruptive or detrimental to the quality of the event. Salem Arts Association also reserves the right to remove any vendor who misrepresents their products without a refund.


Cancellation Policy: No refunds will be granted after the application is accepted and paid. If for any reason we choose to cancel the event all fees will be refunded. 


All paid vendors will be listed on the Salem Arts Association Website and Facebook page as well as local calendar pages. We encourage all vendors to list the Holiday Artists’ Market date on their own website and social media pages to increase publicity of the event.


The Collaborators for this event, Salem Arts Association, Creative Collective and the City of Salem Arts and Culture Office, are not responsible for any damage, loss, or theft of personal belongings or merchandise, or loss of any product. Please be careful and responsible for your selling area and we recommend that vendors carry their own insurance. Any accidents caused by a vendors set-up of or goods will be the responsibility of that vendor. Artists’ Holiday Market is not responsible for any personal injury during the market events.

Sales Tax/Permits: 

All vendors are responsible for abiding by all tax laws, including sales tax collection, licenses, permits or insurance as required by law to conduct your business. Holiday Artists’ Market is not responsible for collecting sales tax for vendors from customers.

Media Release/Consent: 

All Vendors agree to allow Salem Arts Association and our partners permission to display all business information and photos on its social media pages and websites. Further, all Vendors grant permission to publish any photos or video provided in your applications, or taken during the Market, for the purpose of promoting this and future Salem Arts Association events. All media (photos and/or video) will be the sole property of Salem Arts Association and Creative Collective.

Applicants accepted to sell at the Artists’ Holiday Market will be notified by email as soon as possible following the application send date.

More Vendor Info and Tips

Questions? Email

Please support our Sponsors and partners. Salem Arts Holiday Artist Market is supported in part by a grant from the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency. Salem Arts Holiday Artist Market is supported by tourism dollars through Destination Salem. We thank Creative Collective as a strategic partner. 


Salem Arts Association
159 Derby Street 
Salem, MA 01970  
Phone: 978-745-4850 

Weekends 12-6 pm

Winter Hours

Friday, Saturday, Sunday 5-9 pm

through February 9

Parking: on street when available

   Link to our facebook page.     Link to our Instagram page.   Link to our TikTok page.   Link to our LinkedIn page.

© 2007 - 2025,  Salem Arts Association is a 501(c)(3 )non-profit organization

159 Derby Street, Salem MA 01970